Tuesday, December 18, 2007

ah... i finally get to blog! :D
mum has been home the past 2 days so can't blog D: she's against the whole blogging thing.
so last week's vacation was awesome! krabi's great, but 5 days there was a bit too long. we got bored on the 5th day so we were practically sleeping in the afternoon to kill time. my tattoo's fading though D: mum says it's not safe to get a real tattoo there cause she's scared i'll get aids or something. but i'm not sure if she'll still allow me to get one now though, she being fickle minded and all. oh well. i'm still going to do one even if she doesn't allow.
going out later with shini, mount and joong(: we're suppose to study. yeah right.
i want to watch alvin and the chipmunks D: but we'll see how yeah?
apparently eunice has finished her homework except for chinese and english D: shit. i really don't feel like doing them.
this sucks. i can't even understand what the piece of paper with my chinese homework is saying. gosh i should start speaking chinese. than maybe my chinese will improve. like my mum. she goes to china so much that she sounds like some china person now D: it freaks me out at times though.
so this sat i get to go to shawn and gladys to see the ballroom(: finally! YAYE. it's weird that i like ballroom and latin but i don't really know much people who are my age that likes ballroom or latin. most of them like hiphop? yeah i like hiphop too luh. swanlake is playing this week at the esplanade! i want to go watch. i think it'll be nice(: SDT is awesome y'know. so yeah the other day i thought that maybe i should actually tell my mum the truth? so when she asked what i wanted to do in life i told her i wanted to dance like a professional dancer of course you have to have something to fall on right? it's like common sense? so she was like " you can't just dance?!" sure. crush my goal mum. crush them good. when they say your parents will suport you all the way? yeah that's bull. total bull.

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